Results for 'Ming Wahl Emma'

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  1.  28
    Black Women in Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks.Emma Ming Wahl - 2021 - Stance 14 (1):41-51.
    In this paper, I focus on the representations of Black women in contrast to Black men found within Frantz Fanon’s philosophical work Black Skin, White Masks. I propose that while Fanon’s racial dialectical work is very significant, he often lacks acknowledgment of the multidimensionality of the Black woman’s lived experience specifically. Drawing on the theory of intersectionality, coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, I argue that Fanon does not recognize the different layers of oppression operating in Black women’s lives to the degree (...)
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    Cerebellum to motor cortex paired associative stimulation induces bidirectional STDP-like plasticity in human motor cortex.Ming-Kuei Lu, Chon-Haw Tsai & Ulf Ziemann - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  3. Confucian Thought: Selfhood as Creative Transformation.Tu Wei-Ming - 1985 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Tu Wei-ming is the foremost exponent of Confucian thought in the United States today. Over the last two decades he has been developing a creative scholarly interpretation of Confucian humanism as a living tradition. The result is a work of interpretive brilliance that revitalizes Confucian thought, making it a legitimate concern of contemporary philosophical reflections.
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    Decidability ofstit theory with a single agent andrefref equivalence.Ming Xu - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (2):259 - 298.
    The purpose of this paper is to prove the decidability ofstit theory (a logic of seeing to it that) with a single agent andRefref Equivalence. This result is obtained through an axiomatization of the theory and a proof that it has thefinite model property. A notion ofcompanions to stit formulas is introduced and extensively used in the proof.
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    Cognitive enhancement and authenticity: moving beyond the Impasse.Emma C. Gordon - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (2):281-288.
    In work on the ethics of cognitive enhancement use, there is a pervasive concern that such enhancement will—in some way—make us less authentic. Attempts to clarify what this concern amounts to and how to respond to it often lead to debates on the nature of the “true self” and what constitutes “genuine human activity”. This paper shows that a new and effective way to make progress on whether certain cases of cognitive enhancement problematically undermine authenticity is to make use of (...)
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    Human Enhancement and Augmented Reality.Emma C. Gordon - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-15.
    Bioconservative bioethicists (e.g., Kass, 2002, Human Dignity and Bioethics, 297–331, 2008; Sandel, 2007; Fukuyama, 2003) offer various kinds of philosophical arguments against cognitive enhancement—i.e., the use of medicine and technology to make ourselves “better than well” as opposed to merely treating pathologies. Two notable such bioconservative arguments appeal to ideas about (1) the value of achievement, and (2) authenticity. It is shown here that even if these arguments from achievement and authenticity cut ice against specifically pharmacologically driven cognitive enhancement, they (...)
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    Elgin on understanding: How does it involve know-how, endorsement and factivity?Emma C. Gordon - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):4955-4972.
    In Chapter 3 of True Enough, Elgin outlines her view of objectual understanding, focusing largely on its non-factive nature and the extent to which a certain kind of know-how is required for the “grasping” component of understanding. I will explore four central issues that feature in this chapter, concentrating on the role of know-how, the concept of endorsement, Elgin’s critique of the factivity constraint on understanding, and how we might use aspects of Elgin’s framework to inform related debates on the (...)
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  8.  21
    (1 other version)Objectual Understanding, Factivity and Belief.Emma C. Gordon & J. Adam Carter - 2016 - In Martin Grajner & Pedro Schmechtig (eds.), Epistemic Reasons, Norms and Goals. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 423-442.
    Should we regard Jennifer Lackey’s ‘Creationist Teacher’ as understanding evolution, even though she does not, given her religious convictions, believe its central claims? We think this question raises a range of important and unexplored questions about the relationship between understanding, factivity and belief. Our aim will be to diagnose this case in a principled way, and in doing so, to make some progress toward appreciating what objectual understanding—i.e., understanding a subject matter or body of information—demands of us. Here is the (...)
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  9. Cross-Cultural Similarities and Differences in Person-Body Reasoning: Experimental Evidence From the United Kingdom and Brazilian Amazon.Emma Cohen, Emily Burdett, Nicola Knight & Justin Barrett - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (7):1282-1304.
    We report the results of a cross-cultural investigation of person-body reasoning in the United Kingdom and northern Brazilian Amazon (Marajó Island). The study provides evidence that directly bears upon divergent theoretical claims in cognitive psychology and anthropology, respectively, on the cognitive origins and cross-cultural incidence of mind-body dualism. In a novel reasoning task, we found that participants across the two sample populations parsed a wide range of capacities similarly in terms of the capacities’ perceived anchoring to bodily function. Patterns of (...)
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    Philosophy, philosophia, and zhe-Xue.Wu Xiao-Ming - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (3):406-452.
    If philosophy is the only discourse that has ever intended to receive its name from itself, and to leave nothing outside itself, what would be (Western) philosophy's relation to its (Chinese) other? This question is rethought through a rereading of three major Western philosophers, Hegel, Husserl, and Heidegger, and a Chinese philosopher, Feng Youlan. Philosophy is seen, on the one hand, to dialecticize its other but necessarily to fall short of its aim and, on the other, to claim for itself (...)
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  11. Trust and Psychedelic Moral Enhancement.Emma C. Gordon - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (2):1-14.
    Moral enhancement proposals struggle to be both plausible and ethically defensible while nevertheless interestingly distinct from both cognitive enhancement as well as (mere) moral education. Brian Earp (_Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement_ 83:415–439, 12 ) suggests that a promising middle ground lies in focusing on the (suitably qualified) use of psychedelics as _adjuncts_ to moral development. But what would such an adjunctive use of psychedelics look like in practice? In this paper, I draw on literature from three areas where techniques (...)
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  12.  21
    Cognitive Enhancement, Hyperagency, and Responsibility Explosion.Emma C. Gordon - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (5):488-498.
    Hyperagency objections appeal to the risk that cognitive enhancement may negatively impact our well-being by giving us too much control. I charitably formulate and engage with a prominent version of this objection due toSandel (2009)—viz., that cognitive enhancement may negatively impact our well-being by creating an “explosion” of responsibilities. I first outline why this worry might look prima facie persuasive, and then I show that it can ultimately be defended against. At the end of the day, if we are to (...)
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  13.  92
    When Monitoring Facilitates Trust.Emma C. Gordon - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (4):557-571.
    It is often taken for granted that monitoring stands in some kind of tension with trusting (e.g., Hieronymi 2008; Wanderer and Townsend 2013; Nguyen forthcoming; McMyler 2011, Castelfranchi and Falcone 2000; Frey 1993; Dasgupta 1988, Litzky et al. 2006) — especially three-place trust (i.e., A trusts B to X), but sometimes also two-place trust (i.e., A trusts B, see, e.g., Baier 1986). Using a case study involving relationship breakdown, repair, and formation, I will argue there are some ways in which (...)
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  14.  42
    Mirror-image confusions: Implications for representation and processing of object orientation.Emma Gregory & Michael McCloskey - 2010 - Cognition 116 (1):110-129.
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    Cognitive and Moral Enhancement: A Practical Proposal.Emma C. Gordon & Viola Ragonese - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (3):474-487.
    According to Persson and Savulescu, the risks posed by a morally corrupt minority's potential to abuse cognitive enhancement make it such that we have an urgent imperative to first pursue moral enhancement of humankind – and, consequently, if we are a long way from safe, effective moral enhancement, then we have at least one good reason to consider opposing further cognitive enhancement. However, as Harris points out, such a proposal seems to support delaying life-saving cognitive progress. In this article, we (...)
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    Transitive Logics of Finite Width with Respect to Proper-Successor-Equivalence.Ming Xu - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (6):1177-1200.
    This paper presents a generalization of Fine’s completeness theorem for transitive logics of finite width, and proves the Kripke completeness of transitive logics of finite “suc-eq-width”. The frame condition for each finite suc-eq-width axiom requires, in rooted transitive frames, a finite upper bound of cardinality for antichains of points with different proper successors. The paper also presents a generalization of Rybakov’s completeness theorem for transitive logics of prefinite width, and proves the Kripke completeness of transitive logics of prefinite “suc-eq-width”. The (...)
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  17.  7
    Zheng yi de li shi ying xiang =.Ming Zhao - 2007 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  18.  26
    Quantifying the Robustness of Countries’ Competitiveness by Network-Based Methods.Ming-Yang Zhou, Xiao-Yu Li, Wen-Man Xiong & Hao Liao - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
    In economic researches, much effort was devoted to the problem of how to increase the economics of countries. However, the development of a country may fluctuate a lot due to international and domestic problems. Thus, we should also evaluate the robustness of countries against unexpected economic recessions. In this paper, we use perturbation to quantify the robustness of countries using two renowned algorithms: method of reflections and fitness-complexity method. The robustness characterizes the stability of countries’ competitiveness against economic recessions. The (...)
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    Parafoveal processing of phonology and semantics during the reading of Korean sentences.Ming Yan, Aiping Wang, Hosu Song & Reinhold Kliegl - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):104009.
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  20.  27
    High altitude, enhancement, and the ‘spirit of sport’.Emma C. Gordon & Connie Dodds - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (1):63-82.
    The World Anti-Doping Code (2021) includes a substance on the prohibited list if it meets at least two of the following: (1) it has the potential to enhance or enhances sport performance; (2) it represents an actual or potential health risk to the athlete; (3) it violates the spirit of sport. This paper uses a case study to illustrate points of tension between this code and enhancements that are appropriate to ban; we argue that there are banned drugs (e.g., acetazolamide (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Du rôle de l'idée d'instant dans la philosophie de Descartes.Jean Wahl - 1922 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 94 (2):350-351.
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    Seeking a Rapprochement Between Anthropology and the Cognitive Sciences: A Problem-Driven Approach.Harvey Whitehouse & Emma Cohen - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (3):404-412.
    Beller, Bender, and Medin question the necessity of including social anthropology within the cognitive sciences. We argue that there is great scope for fruitful rapprochement while agreeing that there are obstacles (even if we might wish to debate some of those specifically identified by Beller and colleagues). We frame the general problem differently, however: not in terms of the problem of reconciling disciplines and research cultures, but rather in terms of the prospects for collaborative deployment of expertise (methodological and theoretical) (...)
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  23.  18
    Is Your Color My Color? Dividing the Labor of the Stroop Task Between Co-actors.Motonori Yamaguchi, Emma L. Clarke & Danny L. Egan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  24.  13
    (1 other version)On Cognitive and Moral Enhancement: A Reply to Savulescu and Persson.Emma C. Gordon & J. Adam Carter - 2013 - Bioethics 29 (3):153-161.
    In a series of recent works, Julian Savulescu and Ingmar Persson insist that, given the ease by which irreversible destruction is achievable by a morally wicked minority, (i) strictly cognitive bio‐enhancement is currently too risky, while (ii) moral bio‐enhancement is plausibly morally mandatory (and urgently so). This article aims to show that the proposal Savulescu and Persson advance relies on several problematic assumptions about the separability of cognitive and moral enhancement as distinct aims. Specifically, we propose that the underpinnings of (...)
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  25. Xian dai ru xue chong gou yan jiu.Ming Yang - 2002 - Nanjing Shi: Nanjing da xue chu ban she.
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  26.  46
    Self-referential memory in autism spectrum disorder and typical development: Exploring the ownership effect.Emma Grisdale, Sophie E. Lind, Madeline J. Eacott & David M. Williams - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:133-141.
  27.  44
    The neo-confucian concept of man.Wei-ming Tu - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (1):79-87.
  28.  57
    Doing and refraining from refraining.Ming Xu - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 23 (6):621 - 632.
    The main purpose of this paper is to prove that in every stit semantic structure that contains a busy choice sequence, neither does doing imply refraining from refraining from doing, nor does refraining from refraining from doing imply doing.
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    From yuanqi (primal energy) to Wenqi (literary pneuma): A philosophical study of a chinese aesthetic.Ming Dong Gu - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (1):pp. 22-46.
    Wenqi 文氣 (literary pneuma) is a foundational idea in Chinese aesthetics. It has remained elusive since its initial formulation, however. This is so largely because previous scholars did not examine its ontological and epistemological conditions in analytic terms, still less explore its implications in a conceptual framework of artistic creation. Here, it is proposed to explore its general as well as specific implications against the larger background of Chinese intellectual thought and in relation to contemporary theories of literature and aesthetics. (...)
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  30.  13
    Moral enhancement and cheapened achievement: Psychedelics, virtual reality and AI.Emma C. Gordon, Katherine Cheung, Brian D. Earp & Julian Savulescu - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    A prominent critique of cognitive or athletic enhancement claims that certain performance‐improving drugs or technologies may ‘cheapen’ resulting achievements. Considerably less attention has been paid to the impact of enhancement on the value of moral achievements. Would the use of moral enhancement (bio)technologies, rather than (solely) ‘traditional’ means of moral development like schooling and socialization, cheapen the ‘achievement’ of morally improving oneself? We argue that, to the extent that the ‘cheapened achievement’ objection succeeds in the domains of cognitive or athletic (...)
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    Boarding and Day School Students: A Large-Scale Multilevel Investigation of Academic Outcomes Among Students and Classrooms.Andrew J. Martin, Emma C. Burns, Roger Kennett, Joel Pearson & Vera Munro-Smith - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:608949.
    Boarding school is a major educational option for many students (e.g., students living in remote areas, or whose parents are working interstate or overseas, etc.). This study explored the motivation, engagement, and achievement of boarding and day students who are educated in the same classrooms and receive the same syllabus and instruction from the same teachers (thus a powerful research design to enable unique comparisons). Among 2,803 students (boardingn= 481; dayn= 2,322) from 6 Australian high schools and controlling for background (...)
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  32.  55
    A Short History of Existentialism.Jean Wahl - 1949 - Philosophy 24 (91):379-379.
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  33.  8
    The entanglement of theory and practices in the arts.Anna Asbury, Emma Rault, Eileen Stevens & P. Sonderen (eds.) - 2019 - Arnhem: ArtEZ Press.
    What do we mean by theory in the arts, and what role does it play in that sense? Theory appears as an active, transformative, fluid, and communicative element of art practices, and research in the arts in particular. Theory is the fluid that perfuses and connects the territory of fine art and design, as well as other art forms such as music, architecture, writing, moving images, dance, and theatre. At the heart of this publication is the new field of research (...)
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  34.  32
    The Ethical Turn in Aesthetic Education: Early Chinese Thinkers on Music and Arts.Ming Dong Gu - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 50 (1):95-111.
    In memory of Anthony C. Yu who read and commented on an early version of this article.In the comparative philosophy of art, there is a widely accepted view that, while classical Western aesthetic theory emphasizes the unity of beauty and truth, classical Chinese aesthetic theory focuses on the unity of beauty and goodness. Indeed, one striking feature of Chinese aesthetics is its emphasis on moral education and didacticism. Although Western tradition also emphasizes the importance of moral education in art as (...)
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  35.  41
    Profound loss of general knowledge in retrograde amnesia: evidence from an amnesic artist.Emma Gregory, Michael McCloskey & Barbara Landau - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  36. Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement and Cheapened Achievement: A New Dilemma.Emma C. Gordon & Lucy Dunn - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (3):409-421.
    Recent discussions of cognitive enhancement often note that drugs and technologies that improve cognitive performance may do so at the risk of “cheapening” our resulting cognitive achievements Arguing about bioethics, Routledge, London, 2012; Harris in Bioethics 25:102–111, 2011). While there are several possible responses to this worry, we will highlight what we take to be one of the most promising—one which draws on a recent strand of thinking in social and virtue epistemology to construct an integrationist defence of cognitive enhancement.. (...)
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  37. Jun shi mei chu tan.Ming Shen - 1996 - Beijing Shi: Jun shi ke xue chu ban she.
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    A Brief Introduction to Logical Atomism [review of Ali Benmakhlouf, Bertrand Russell: L'atomisme logique ].Russell Wahl - 1998 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 18 (2).
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    Des divers accès à la réalité philosophique.Jean Wahl - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 1:135-141.
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  40.  11
    Diplomat in der Gelehrtenrepublik – Leibniz’ politische Fähigkeiten im Dienste der Mathematik.Charlotte Wahl - 2012 - In Wenchao Li (ed.), Komma Und Kathedrale: Tradition, Bedeutung Und Herausforderung der Leibniz-Edition. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 273-292.
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    Die Modernisierungsfalle: Gesellschaft, Selbstbewusstsein und Gewalt.Klaus Wahl - 1989 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Einleitung.Charlotte Wahl - 2011 - In Herbert Breger (ed.), Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe. Band 7: Juli 1696 - Dezember 1698. AKADEMIE VERLAG.
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  43. E' possible un rinnovamento della metafisica?J. Wahl - 1956 - Rivista di Filosofia 47 (1):3.
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  44. ¿ Es posible una renovación de la metafísica?Jean Wahl - 1957 - Dianoia 3 (3):205.
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  45. Introduction à la pensée de Heidegger, « Biblio/Essais », 1 vol.Jean Wahl - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (4):529-530.
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    Lettres et fragments inédits de Dom Deschamps et de quelques correspondants.Jean Wahl - 1964 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 69 (3):237 - 257.
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  47.  29
    L'introduction à la Métaphysique de M. Heidegger.Jean Wahl - 1956 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 61 (2):113 - 130.
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  48.  89
    Momentary Return of the Cosmic Unconscious: The Nature of Zen/Chan Enlightenment.Ming Dong Gu - 2015 - Asian Philosophy 25 (4):402-417.
    Zen/Chan, which used to be a Far Eastern philosophy-cum-religion, has evolved into a global cultural phenomenon. Despite the many views expressed by numerous thinkers in the world, the consensus on Chan and Chan enlightenment remains an agnostic Oriental mysticism. By exploring Chan and enlightenment from a combined perspective of history, philosophy, psychology, religion and linguistics, this article proposes a hitherto unexpressed view. Chan enlightenment is a prenatal physico-psychological existence, which grows out of a fetal subject’s perception of the womb. Although (...)
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  49.  11
    Chinese Theories of Reading and Writing: A Route to Hermeneutics and Open Poetics.Ming Dong Gu - 2012 - SUNY Press.
    A groundbreaking work that uncovers an implicit system of hermeneutics in traditional Chinese thought and aesthetics.
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  50.  26
    Intellectual humility, spirituality and counselling.Emma Gordon - 2018 - Journal of Psychology and Theology 46 (4):279-291.
    Although therapists often work with clients with whom they share a great many beliefs, there remain many cases where the therapist and client have very little in common. Spirituality is, especially in the latter kind of case, one specific area in which clashes and similarities may be important. However, recent evidence suggests spirituality is to a surprising extent ignored in therapy when exploring it would be therapeutically relevant and, even more, that counsellors often struggle when training to more effectively engage (...)
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